Network CD 1
Network CD.iso
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Text File
92 lines
(c) 1990 Alan Smith
The Game
The game is played by two players on a 4 x 4 board, each player having
four pieces (squares or circles - here we will represent them as '#' and
'O'). So the initial board set-up looks like this:
| O | O | O | O |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| # | # | # | # |
The objective is to get one of your pieces to the other end of the
board, or to get rid of all your opponent's pieces.
There are three types of move:
----------------- -----------------
1) A move to a blank | O | O | O | O | | O | O | O | O |
adjacent square in |---------------| |---------------|
any direction, e.g: | | | | | | | | | |
|---------------| to |---------------|
| | | | | ->| # | | | |
|---------------| |---------------|
| # | # | # | # | | # | | # | # |
----------------- -----------------
----------------- -----------------
2) A jump over one of | O | O | | O | | O | O | O | O |
your own pieces into |---------------| |---------------|
a blank square, e.g: | | | | O | ->| # | | | O |
|---------------| to |---------------|
| # | | | | | # | | | |
|---------------| |---------------|
->| # | | # | # | | | | # | # |
----------------- -----------------
----------------- -----------------
3) A take. The same as | | | | O | | | | # | O |
a jump but over an |---------------| |---------------|
opponent's piece; the| | O | | O | | | | | O |
opponent's piece is |---------------| to |---------------|
removed from the ->| # | | | | | | | | |
board. e.g: |---------------| |---------------|
| # | | | | | # | | | |
----------------- -----------------
IMPORTANT NOTE: if a take is possible it must be performed. Jumps and
takes can only be over one man in one move.
How to play on the Amiga
Different modes may be chosen from the menu. Default mode is Human v
Computer - you against the Amiga. You are squares. Choose Computer v
Computer to get demos of how to play. Choose Human v Human to play a friend.
Choose a higher level from the menu to get a harder game. The Amiga's
moves will then take longer.
To move a piece, click on the piece you want to move, then click on
the square you want to move to. You will be told if you try an illegal move.
If you have to take but don't, you will be given a choice of moves that
you must make.
To start a new game, choose 'New Game' from the menu. Click on the
closewindow gadget to quit.
You can set the board to a particular configuration by choosing
'Set Board' from the menu and following the instructions.
'Repeat Game' from the menu will replay the latest game.
The moves made during a game are shown in the second menu strip. Each
move is shown as: source square, type of move, destination square. Type
of move may be '-': straight move; '^': jump; 'X': take.